ACCEPT POLICY: By submitting you accepting this little policy if you want to be listed on AgnateMoslem softwares.
1. Do not submit softwares with the following categories: gambling, casino, adult or sex related softwares,
religion softwares(except Islam, because of the Allah (SWT) and I strongly believe that Islam is only right religion),
and all other softwares which violates US and International law.
2. Program will read and save the most important information from your Pad file.
This works automatically by updating, reading your PAD file located on your server every 60 or more days.
3. To remove your software just remove your PAD file from the current location or send me an email.
If your PAD file does not exist anymore on your server program will automatically remove your submission.
4. For updating your software information you do not need to came here again then just update PAD file located on your server, i.e. link which you will submit now, Insha'Allah.